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Attracting Medical Professionals to Clermont

The Clermont4Doctors program aims to attract and retain Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and their families, to support the medical care needs of the Clermont residents of 3000 + people. The program focuses on hosting medical practitioners and their families into our community, offering opportunities for community engagement and connection through our Community Champions program. Clermont4Docotrs aims to bring to light the benefits of working and residing in rural Queensland, promoting the healthy, balanced lifestyle the bush has to offer.

Clermont4Doctors Logo

Attracting Medical Professionals to Clermont

The purpose of Clermont4Doctors is to attract doctors to reside in Clermont.  A welcoming program, including the doctor’s family has been created to provide support for Doctors to settle into our community and highlight the benefits of living and working in Clermont. By offering connection to people and groups with similar hobbies the project aims to encourage doctors to settle in Clermont for the long term.


Big skies, bigger hearts. Clermont’s genuine nature means you can rely on having support when you need it. What the town lacks in urban flare, it makes up for in community pride and spirit. The people are the heart and soul of Clermont.

About Clermont

Established in 1862, Clermont is a historical gem located in Central Queensland, approximately 950klms north west of Brisbane. Gold-rushes, stockmen and mining, its small-town charm hides a rich history offering a window into its frontier past. Clermont is prosperous with strong industries of agriculture, mining and tourism, attracting investment in retail and other services in town. 

To learn more about the tourist attractions and what makes Clermont so special, click the button below…

For Doctors

Clermont offers a work life balance for Doctors and their families rarely found outside rural areas. A small-town setting allows for meaningful relationships with patients partnered with challenging, rewarding work and a genuine sense of professional satisfaction. C4D offers incentives for medical professionals ready to make the move.

Be A Community Champion

A Community Champion is passionate about Clermont and willing to provide support and connection to the community for our Doctors and their family. This may be an introduction to a sporting club, church group or other individuals with common interests. Clermont4Doctors has a team of community champions ready to showcase the best things Clermont has to offer and to assist the Doctors and their family settle in Clermont.

How do you become a community champion? Follow the link below to register!

Project Committee

Janelle Otto

Project Coordinator

Sandy Frost is the Project Coordinator for Clermont4Doctors. A Clermont local and active community member, she is passionate about improving access to health care for those in rural areas.  Following her daughter’s diagnosis of Juvenile Arthritis in 2017, Sandy and her family understand the importance of having continuous quality health care. Involved in the project since its inception in September 2019, she is motivated to help make a difference in the health outcomes of the Clermont community.

News & Events

Retention Strategy?

Clermont4Doctors made a splash in the local media with this cartoon depiction. It is definitely a unique take on how Clermont intends on retaining Doctors.

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with support from the following organisations

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